Tides and Electromagnetic Energy of Sun and Moon

The Sun and the Moon Rotate Above the Earth Through Electromagnetism. The Flat Earth is a giant battery and our Universe is driven by the laws of electromagnetism. Where did the idea of a 2-pole battery, the positive and the negative, come from? From our world. All that man does is a copy of the mechanisms of nature.
Ether maintains the charge of electromagnetic plasma and is everywhere. The positive and negative charges are at the North Pole and surround the Arctic Circle.
Saltwater oceans make poles “exited” and create electrolytes that provide continuous, self-perpetuating free energy anywhere, anytime, for anyone who wants to learn how to use it. That’s what Tesla proved 100 years ago.
One of the most disconcerting issues is the fact that the Earth is about 75% salt water. In hindsight, it does not make much sense since humans and most animals need fresh water to survive and maintain bodily functions. What use could salt water possibly have that relates to us? Salt water has everything to do with Earth energy and the “biosplano”. It turns out that salt water makes a really effective electrolytic solution to conduct electricity and move electrons from the anode (+) to the cathode (-). In other words, the Arctic Circle is the anode and the Antarctic ice shelf is the cathode.
It is this chemical reaction that creates the electromagnetism, the ether and the electromagnetic dome that we call home. These reactions and mechanisms are the ones that move the Sun and Moon luminaries. Charles Augustine De-Coulomb, J.J. Thomson and the great Nikola Tesla were aware of these facts and were buried by powers that should not be.
The sun and moon are electromagnetic spheres that work like Tesla coil/batteries to keep this entire ecosystem alive. The sun is positive, the moon is the negative.
The sun harnesses earths ever producing electricity. The salinity of the ocean is diamagnetic, causing the sun and moon to levitate in a quantum trap. The diamagnetic pressure pushes on the oceans causing the tides, the complete opposite of what we’ve been taught, not a gravitational pull, but a diamagnetic push.
The moon harnesses the suns energy like a solar panel, the portion of the moon that the suns light hits, self illuminates by solar powered phosphorescence causing the phases. It’s not the suns reflection, it’s where the suns solar charge is hitting it.
When the moon is full, it’s fully charged, this is why the tide is always highest during full moons, the diamagnetic pressure is fully charged.

Flat Earth Library

Flat Earth Library