All Light Has Range

I’m often asked by globe earthers, “if the earth is flat then why isn’t it daytime over the world at the same time?”

Well the same reason this candle doesn’t illuminate this entire dark room.

The same reason this flashlight doesn’t illuminate the entire dark room.

The same reason this light bulb doesn’t illuminate the entire wall.

The same reason this firefly doesn’t light up the entire palm of this person’s hand.

The same reason this campfire doesn’t light up the entire campsite.

Because the sun of the flat earth plane is small, close, and localized.
It acts like a spotlight shinning only on one area at a time that it is closest to.

The truth is plain to see, we live on a flat earth plane.

(and all of these small local light sources could also not be seen when they are a great distance from the viewer)

Flat Earth Library

Flat Earth Library