Skepticism – Why Some People Cannot Accept Flat Earth

Our level of skepticism is directly connected with the level of our acceptance of everything we have simply been told.

We all want to believe that we are skeptics, and it’s probably safe to say that we all are skeptics to some degree; but if you haven’t doubted the mainstream narrative for events such as the moon landing, JFK assassination, chemtrails, 911 and CV-19, you are on the lower end of the skepticism scale (or just not being skeptical of the right things).

To be a true skeptic, you must only believe in things that you yourself can prove to be true; otherwise you are simply believing that which you have been told and have accepted to be true because either you feel like you cannot or that it does not matter that you take matters into your own hands in order to prove (or discern) things for yourself.

Is a lesser library of absolute fact less valuable than a larger library of mostly fact? What if the larger library has been intentionally intellectually poisoned?

Accepting information without challenging it paves the way to deception.

Flat Earth Library

Flat Earth Library