Flat Earth Explained in 5 Minutes

First point: water always seeks its level. Secondly, all pictures of earth are inauthentic composites. Third, cannot leave low earth orbit. Fourth, the horizon rises to eye level no matter the height from earth’s surface. Fifth, if the earth was curved, you should not be able to see certain buildings and mountains that are extremely far away. Sixth, the Michelson Morley experiment proving the earth is not moving. Seventh, basic math shows that the sun is local. Eighth, the sun and moon should not both be visible during a lunar eclipse, and the phases of the moon cannot be caused by a spherical earth’s shadow being cast upon it. Ninth point is that we have been taught that the idea of the earth being flat is ridiculous, yet are told to believe that we are spinning and flying at incredible speeds yet all experiments to measure movement have failed to do so.  Also, curvature cannot be seen or measured.

Flat Earth Library

Flat Earth Library