Missing Curvature

Trinity lighthouse seen from 14 miles away. (50 feet of missing curvature)
Lake Pontchartrain causeway in Metairie, LA 23.87 mils long with 380 feet of missing curvature.
Atlanta skyline seen from 74 miles away. (3650 feet of missing curvature)
Corsica visible from Nice (200 km apart) {2794 meters of missing curvature}
Seeing Pikes Peak from Loveland (110 miles away)
Seeing Mt. Foraker (120 miles away) and Mt. McKinley (130 miles away) from Anchorage.
Seeing Mt. McKinley from hilltop ski resort 140 miles away.
Seeing the alps from 190 miles away.
Able to zoom in 443 kilometers away to capture photo of mountains in the distance.
Lake Baikal Siberia over 400 miles long.
Rail gun able to hit target 100 miles away (6,666 feet of missing curvature)


Here isĀ  a detailed video about the Chicago City skyline


This video explains our gradient atmosphere and how it makes light bend downwards and how during the winter the air is dryer which creates less refraction and more visibility.

Here is the account of a pilot seeing great distances at only 8,000 feet and with the same distance calculation with his altitude accounted for, he still should not have been able to see things like LA from Tuscan, AZ.

And of course the salt FLATS ^_^

Flat Earth Library

Flat Earth Library