How can a Sphere be 71% Flat?

ChatGPT response: I’m not entirely sure what you mean by “flat” in this context, but assuming you are referring to a flat, two-dimensional object like a circle or disc, it is possible for a ball to be 71% flat in the sense that a certain portion of its surface area is flat.

One way to visualize this is to imagine a ball made up of two hemispheres, where one hemisphere is completely flat while the other is completely spherical. If the flat hemisphere covers 71% of the surface area of the entire ball, then you could say that the ball is 71% flat.

However, it’s important to note that a ball is a three-dimensional object and typically does not have a flat surface. So, while it’s possible to conceptualize a ball as being partially flat, it’s not a common or meaningful way to describe a ball.

Here is a silly picture of a 50% flat globe ^_^

I guess if you were to have 71% of this sphere flattened, that is what it is trying to depict ^_^

Flat Earth Library

Flat Earth Library