North South Circumnavigation

People have claimed to have circumnavigated the earth going north to south as opposed to Magellan going east to west, but I am skeptical of the absolute validity of this claim. I wonder if they truly went entirely south and their compasses automatically changed to point north without them changing their direction at all. It is possible that they went south until reaching Antarctica then traveled west through Antarctica until proceeding to venture north. I wonder how long they traveled through Antarctica before being able to exit Antarctica and continue on to their next destination. Basically I’m not entirely convinced that they were locked into traveling strictly south and did not make any adjustments whatsoever and begin traveling either east or west in order to navigate through Antarctica which is supposedly too cold to travel through which is the supposed reason that commercial flights do not fly over Antarctica despite the supposed decrease in distance from certain locations south of the equator on a theoretical globe. Commercial flights do not even simply fly straight over the ocean between two locations south of the equator which would be the shortest distance on a globe, but rather they travel north then south which appears completely obscene on a globe but become straight and direct paths on a Gleason map.

Flat Earth Library

Flat Earth Library