Blue Origin New Shepard-22 Launch

Here is the full official video

And here is the video of the actornauts supposedly inside

There is much to point out in this video.

Just like in the Challenger Hoax video starting at exactly 48 minutes they discuss how the sound and temperatures of rocket launches make it impossible for human passengers.

Also, they do not look phased at all even when traveling at 2000 miles per hour ^_^

And then they abruptly stop and Colby experiences a very mild head jolt; I’m not sure the actual laws of physics would be that gentle when going from 2000mph to 0 instantly ^_^

When they stop, why and how do they descend back down to earth and not just get stuck in orbit around earth?

I think he sudden stopping looks like when high altitude drones hit the firmament and not just the sudden detachment of the lower part of the rocket.

Also the high altitude footage is clearly shown with a wobbly fish eye lens which is apparent by the different amounts of apparent curvature as the camera pans the horizon up and down. You can also note that there is the same amount of visible curvature in the shot of outside at ground level as there is at a supposed altitude of 351, 231.

All these points are also discussed by Eric Dubay in his video

Flat Earth Library

Flat Earth Library