Cartoon Suggesting Earth is a Pancake With a Butter Wall

This animation made by Cartoon Network is a bit frustrating as the satire is clear. It starts off with someone saying that they nearly through something off the edge of the earth then goes to explain further that the edge is where the “planet” drops off. This is incredibly ignorant and frustrating as the earth doesn’t necessarily have an edge and even considering that the earth’s edge could be considered our Antarctic barrier, the earth does not simply drop off at the Antarctic barrier. Secondly, considering Earth a planet is also quite annoying, as planet means moving star which earth is not (as depicted in Japanese).

The really interesting thing about referring to Earth as a pancake is that taking into account the highest and lowest elevations (underwater) on Earth and comparing that to the air bubble holes in a pancake, if we were to shrink the earth down to the size of a pancake, it would be flatter than a pancake!!

The first opposition brought up was about all of the images of Earth depicting it as a ball which is brushed away simply stating that they are all fake. While this is true, I believe a better response could have been made explaining how all images of Earth are CGI photoshopped images because they have to be. But that brings us back to the mockery this video is trying to make of flat earth believers; his response is how most people view the general flat earth consensus that all images of Earth are fake composites.

The second opposition brought up is about being able to experience darkness. This is probably the hardest concept for most people to come to understand as it is incredibly hard to understand why the sun would not be in constant view. This little cartoon does an adequate job of depicting how the small, local sun rotates above our plane of existence; however it does not go to the extent of explaining perspective to a degree to help most people understand how the sun could ever go out of view and take it’s small, local light with it.

The final quarry is about water being contained on a flat surface.

Flat Earth Library

Flat Earth Library